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Reading Quietly in Public 2017

Performance as part of Can art inspire me to think critically about...? exhibition at the MK Gallery in Portland State University

During grad school, I didn't have enough time to read. By the time I got to the end, I knew there was a lot of books I needed to catch up, many of them which related to my graduate project "Can art inspire me to think critically about...?" For my final project, I made a book, and I installed the bibliography for my book as a library in the gallery for the run of the show. I also wrote the titles as a bibliography on an outfit I wore during my reading performance. For the last three weeks of grad school, I read those books for eight hours a day on the couch in the gallery; every time someone came into the gallery to read or talk, I stopped to engage with them. All of the furniture in the gallery came from the dorm room I lived in during my three-year residency in the Housing and Residence Education Department (the focus of my grad work).

The couch while it was in my dorm room, 2014-2017.

The couch while it was in my dorm room, 2014-2017.

"A Living Bibliography Shirt," 2017.

"A Living Bibliography Shirt," 2017.

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